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The current page still doesn't have a translation for this language.

But you can help translating it: Contributing.

These are unique to Esmerald and are used to help having some structure in your application.

Protocols are the equivalent of interfaces in other languages and very helpful when it comes to establish some sort of contracts among systems communicating with each other.


More information and examples about Protocols and how to use them, we recommend this very simple yet great article.

Esmerald protocols

In this documentation, the protocols were mentioned when talking middleware and the whole reason behind it but there are two more protocols that we classify as business oriented.

Business oriented

**What does it mean being business oriented protocols? **

A lot of companies nowadays use frameworks or microframeworks to build APIs quickly and with just a few lines of code.

The problem we have identified is that usually these frameworks don't have a business scope in mind and that does not mean it is not possible, because of course it is!

When Esmerald means business oriented protocols is in fact referring to the separation between the data logic, where the database models and connections are and the business objects where as the name suggests, manages the business logic of an application.

Why the separation

It is better to explain by using an example.

Let's imagine you need one handler that manages the creation of a user. Your application will have:

  • Database connections. Let's use the current supported Saffier.
  • Database models. What is used to map python classes and database obbjects.
  • The handler. What you will be calling.
from myapp.accounts import User
from pydantic import BaseModel
from saffier.exceptions import ObjectNotFound, SaffierException

from esmerald import Esmerald, Gateway, post

class UserModel(BaseModel):
    name: str
    email: str

async def create(data: UserModel) -> None:
        await User.get(email=data.email, name=data.name)
    except ObjectNotFound:
        await User.create(email=data.email, name=data.name)
    except SaffierException:
        # raises an error here

app = Esmerald(routes=[Gateway(handler=create)])


Since we are using saffier, all the database connections and configurations are handled by our settings.

In this example, the handler manages to check if there is a user already with these details and creates if not but all of this is managed in the handler itself. Sometimes is ok when is this simple but sometimes you might want to extend the functionality to do something else, for example, send an email confirming the creation of the record to the user, update external sources with the signal that the user has been created or even trigger another completely independent pipeline once the data is in.

Again, all of this can be done inside the handler but, what if you want to separate the logic of creation from the view and isolate all things user in one place?

Enters the DAO/AyncDAO.


DAO extends for Data Access Object and it is used to separate the low level data accessing the API or operations from the high level business services.

from esmerald import DaoProtocol, AsyncDAOProtocol

The DAO is nothing too special alone but it is used to grant good pratices of separation of responsabilities.

Esmerald DAO/AsyncDAO comes with five operations that must be implemented when subclassing.

  • get
  • get_all
  • update
  • delete
  • create

Let's see how it would look if you were using a DAO.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List

from myapp.accounts.models import User
from pydantic import BaseModel
from saffier.exceptions import ObjectNotFound, SaffierException

from esmerald import AsyncDAOProtocol, DaoProtocol, Esmerald, Gateway, post

    from esmerald.types import DictAny

class UserModel(BaseModel):
    name: str
    email: str

class UserDAO(DaoProtocol):
    model = User

    def get(self, obj_id: int, **kwargs: "DictAny") -> model:
        # logic to get the user

    def get_all(self, **kwargs: "DictAny") -> List[User]:
        # logic to get all the users

    def update(self, obj_id: int, user: UserModel, **kwargs: "DictAny") -> None:
        # logic to update the user

    def delete(self, obj_id: int, **kwargs: "DictAny") -> None:
        # logic to delete a user

    def create(self, user: UserModel, **kwargs: "DictAny") -> Any:
        # logic to create the user
        # send email
        # call external service
        # save in a different external database

class AsyncUserDAO(AsyncDAOProtocol):
    model = User

    async def get(self, obj_id: int) -> model:
        # logic to get the user
            await self.model.get(pk=obj_id)
        except ObjectNotFound:

    async def get_all(self, **kwargs: "DictAny") -> List[User]:
        # logic to get all the users

    async def update(self, obj_id: int, user: UserModel, **kwargs: "DictAny") -> None:
        # logic to update the user

    async def delete(self, obj_id: int, **kwargs: "DictAny") -> None:
        # logic to delete a user

    async def create(self, user: UserModel, **kwargs: "DictAny") -> Any:
        # logic to create the user
        # send email
        # call external service
        # save in a different external database
            await self.model.create(**user)
        except SaffierException:

async def create(data: UserModel) -> None:
    user = UserDAO()

async def create_async_dao(data: UserModel) -> None:
    user = AsyncUserDAO()
    await user.create(user=data)

app = Esmerald(

Although it looks like "more work", in fact you are separating what the handler should be doing from what a business object should be also doing.

In the example, simple CRUD was used but from there you can extend the functionality to, for instance, send emails, call external services... With a big difference. From now one, all of your User operations will be managed by that same DAO and not by the view.

Advantage? You have one single source of truth and not too many handlers across the codebase doing similar User operations and increasing the probability of getting more errors and also increasing the level of maintenance.

DAO/AsyncDAO are your friends.


DAO and AsyncDAO are fundamentally the same but one is for sync and the other supports async.


This is a special protocol used to implement interceptors for Esmerald. Check the document for more details about how to use it.


Implementing the DAO/AsyncDAO protocol is as simple as subclassing it and implement the methods but this does not mean that you are only allowed to use those methods. No!

In fact, that only means that when extending the DAO/AsyncDAO you need at least to have those methods but you can have whatever you need for your business objects to operate.