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EsmeraldAPISettings class

Reference for the EsmeraldAPISettings class object and how to use it.

Read more about how to use the settings in your application and leverage the system.

The settings are used by any Esmerald application and used as the defaults for the Esmerald class instance if nothing is provided.

How to import

from esmerald import settings

Via conf

from esmerald.conf import settings

Via application instance

from esmerald import Esmerald

app = Esmerald()


Bases: CacheBackendSettings

EsmeraldAPISettings settings object. The main entry-point for any settings used by any Esmerald application.

Usually, when creating an application you will need some sort of organisation and some sort of settings. Esmerald comes with a native settings system where you will only need to inherit, override and add your own extra settings and use them anywhere.

When no values are provided upon an instantiation of an Esmerald object, these settings are used as the defaults.

The settings can be done via ESMERALD_SETTINGS_MODULE or settings_module parameter in the Esmerald instantiation.

Learn more about settings.


The settings system is extremely powerful and must be leveraged accordingly. Read more about how to use the settings and how you can take advantage of the system.


from esmerald import EsmeraldAPISettings
from esmerald.conf.enums import EnvironmentType

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):
    Create your own custom settings.
    debug: bool = False
    environment: Optional[str] = EnvironmentType.TESTING

cache_backend class-attribute instance-attribute

cache_backend = InMemoryCache()

Defines the cache backend to be used for caching operations within the application. By default, an in-memory cache is used, but this can be replaced with other implementations such as Redis or Memcached.

The cache backend should implement the necessary methods for storing, retrieving, and invalidating cached data.

Read more about this in the official Esmerald documentation.


For distributed applications, consider using an external caching backend like Redis instead of the default in-memory cache.

cache_default_ttl class-attribute instance-attribute

cache_default_ttl = 300

Default time-to-live (TTL) for cached items.

debug class-attribute instance-attribute

debug = False

Boolean indicating if the application should return the debug tracebacks on server errors, in other words, if you want to have debug errors being displayed.

Read more about this in the official Lilya documentation.


Do not use this in production as True.

environment class-attribute instance-attribute

environment = PRODUCTION

Optional string indicating the environment where the settings are running. You won't probably need this but it is here in case you might want to use.

app_name class-attribute instance-attribute

app_name = 'Esmerald'

The name of the Esmerald application/API. This name is displayed when the OpenAPI documentation is used.

title class-attribute instance-attribute

title = 'Esmerald'

The title of the Esmerald application/API. This title is displayed when the OpenAPI documentation is used.

version class-attribute instance-attribute

version = __version__

The version of the Esmerald application/API. This version is displayed when the OpenAPI documentation is used.

Note: This is the version of your application/API and not th version of the OpenAPI specification being used by Esmerald.

summary class-attribute instance-attribute

summary = 'Esmerald application'

The summary of the Esmerald application/API. This short summary is displayed when the OpenAPI documentation is used.

description class-attribute instance-attribute

description = 'Highly scalable, performant, easy to learn and for every application.'

The description of the Esmerald application/API. This description is displayed when the OpenAPI documentation is used.

contact class-attribute instance-attribute

contact = Contact(name='admin', email='')

A dictionary or an object of type esmerald.openapi.schemas.v3_1_0.Contact containing the contact information of the application/API.

Both dictionary and object contain several fields.

  • name - String name of the contact.
  • url - String URL of the contact. It must be in the format of a URL.
  • email - String email address of the contact. It must be in the format of an email address.

terms_of_service class-attribute instance-attribute

terms_of_service = None

A URL pointing to the Terms of Service of the application. This description is displayed when the OpenAPI documentation is used.

license class-attribute instance-attribute

license = None

A dictionary or an object of type esmerald.openapi.schemas.v3_1_0.License containing the license information of the application/API.

Both dictionary and object contain several fields.

  • name - String name of the license.
  • identifier - An SPDX license expression.
  • url - String URL of the contact. It must be in the format of a URL.

security class-attribute instance-attribute

security = None

Used by OpenAPI definition, the security must be compliant with the norms. Esmerald offers some out of the box solutions where this is implemented.

The Esmerald security is available to automatically used.

The security can be applied also on a level basis.

For custom security objects, you must subclass object.

servers class-attribute instance-attribute

servers = [{'url': '/'}]

A list of python dictionaries with the information regarding the connectivity to the target.

This can be useful, for example, if your application is served from different domains and you want a shared OpenAPI documentation to test it all.

Esmerald automatically handles the OpenAPI documentation generation for you but sometimes you might want to add an extra custom domain to it.

For example, when using ChildEsmerald modules, since the object itself subclasses Esmerald, that also means you can have independent documentation directly in the ChildEsmerald or access the top level documentation (the application itself) where you can select the server to test it.

If the servers list is not provided or an is an empty list, the default value will be a dict with the url pointing to /.

Each dict of the list follows the following format for the parameters:

  • url - A URL string to the target host/domain. The URL may support server variables and it may be also a relative server (for example, the domain/path of a ChildEsmerald).
  • description - An optional string description of the host/domain.
  • variables - A dictionary between the variable and its value. The value is used for substitution in the servers URL template. E.g.: /my-domain/{age: int}.

You can read more about how the OpenAPI documentation is used.

secret_key class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key = 'my secret'

A unique string value used for the cryptography. This value is also used internally by Esmerald with the JWT as well the CSRFConfig.


Make sure you do not reuse the same secret key across environments as this can lead to security issues that you can easily avoid.

openapi_version class-attribute instance-attribute

openapi_version = '3.1.0'

The string version of the OpenAPI.

Esmerald will generate the OpenAPI 3.1.0 by default and will output that as the OpenAPI version.

If you need to somehow trick some of the tools you are using by setting a different version of the OpenAPI, this is the field you can use to do it so.

allowed_hosts class-attribute instance-attribute

allowed_hosts = ['*']

A list of allowed hosts for the application. The allowed hosts when not specified defaults to ["*"] but when specified.

The allowed hosts are also what controls the TrustedHostMiddleware and you can read more about how to use it.

allow_origins class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_origins = None

A list of allowed origins hosts for the application.

The allowed origins is used by the CORSConfig and controls the CORSMiddleware.


If you create your own CORSConfig, this setting is ignored and your custom config takes priority.

response_class class-attribute instance-attribute

response_class = None

Global default response class to be used within the Esmerald application.

Read more about the Responses and how to use them.

response_cookies class-attribute instance-attribute

response_cookies = None

A global sequence of esmerald.datastructures.Cookie objects.

Read more about the Cookies.

response_headers class-attribute instance-attribute

response_headers = None

A global mapping of esmerald.datastructures.ResponseHeader objects.

Read more about the ResponseHeader.

include_in_schema class-attribute instance-attribute

include_in_schema = True

Boolean flag indicating if all the routes of the application should be included in the OpenAPI documentation.

Note almost everything in Esmerald can be done in levels, which means when the application level is set to include_in_schema=False, no schemas will be displayed in the OpenAPI documentation.


This can be particularly useful if you have, for example, a ChildEsmerald and you don't want to include in the schema the routes of the said ChildEsmerald. This way there is no reason to do it route by route and instead you can simply do it directly in the application level.

tags class-attribute instance-attribute

tags = None

A list of strings tags to be applied to the path operation.

It will be added to the generated OpenAPI documentation.

Note almost everything in Esmerald can be done in levels, which means these tags on a Esmerald instance, means it will be added to every route even if those routes also contain tags.

timezone class-attribute instance-attribute

timezone = 'UTC'

Object of time datetime.timezone or string indicating the timezone for the application.

Note - The timezone is internally used for the supported scheduler.

root_path class-attribute instance-attribute

root_path = ''

A path prefix that is handled by a proxy not seen in the application but seen by external libraries.

This affects the tools like the OpenAPI documentation.

enable_sync_handlers class-attribute instance-attribute

enable_sync_handlers = True

Boolean flag indicating the the sync handlers should be allowed in the application or not.

When the enable_sync_handlers is set to False then only async handlers are allowed in the application.


Be careful when disabling the enable_sync_handlers. When this happens, only async is allowed in the handlers.

enable_scheduler class-attribute instance-attribute

enable_scheduler = False

Boolean flag indicating if the internal scheduler should be enabled or not.

enable_openapi class-attribute instance-attribute

enable_openapi = True

Boolean flag indicating if the OpenAPI documentation should be generated or not.

When False, no OpenAPI documentation is accessible.


Disable this option if you run in production and no one should access the documentation unless behind an authentication.

redirect_slashes class-attribute instance-attribute

redirect_slashes = True

Boolean flag indicating if the redirect slashes are enabled for the routes or not. ```

x_frame_options class-attribute instance-attribute

x_frame_options = None

Set the X-Frame-Options HTTP header in HTTP responses.

To enable the response to be loaded on a frame within the same site, set x_frame_options to 'SAMEORIGIN'.

This flag is to be used when XFrameOptionsMiddleware is added to the application.

before_request class-attribute instance-attribute

before_request = None

A list of events that are trigger after the application processes the request.

Read more about the events.


from edgy import Database, Registry

from esmerald import Esmerald, Request, Gateway, get

database = Database("postgresql+asyncpg://user:password@host:port/database")
registry = Registry(database=database)

async def create_user(request: Request):
    # Logic to create the user
    data = await request.json()

app = Esmerald(
    routes=[Gateway("/create", handler=create_user)],

after_request class-attribute instance-attribute

after_request = None

A list of events that are trigger after the application processes the request.

Read more about the events.


from edgy import Database, Registry

from esmerald import Esmerald, Request, Gateway, get

database = Database("postgresql+asyncpg://user:password@host:port/database")
registry = Registry(database=database)

async def create_user(request: Request):
    # Logic to create the user
    data = await request.json()

app = Esmerald(
    routes=[Gateway("/create", handler=create_user)],

root_path_in_servers class-attribute instance-attribute

root_path_in_servers = True

Boolean flag use to disable the automatic URL generation in the servers field in the OpenAPI documentation.

webhooks class-attribute instance-attribute

webhooks = None

This is the same principle of the routes but for OpenAPI webhooks.

Read more about webhooks.

When a webhook is added, it will automatically add them into the OpenAPI documentation.

openapi_url class-attribute instance-attribute

openapi_url = '/openapi.json'

The URL where the OpenAPI schema will be served from. The default is /openapi.json.


from esmerald import Esmerald

app = Esmerald(openapi_url="/api/v1/openapi.json")

docs_url class-attribute instance-attribute

docs_url = '/docs/swagger'

String default relative URL where the Swagger documentation shall be accessed in the application.

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

redoc_url class-attribute instance-attribute

redoc_url = '/docs/redoc'

String default relative URL where the ReDoc documentation shall be accessed in the application.

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

swagger_ui_oauth2_redirect_url class-attribute instance-attribute

swagger_ui_oauth2_redirect_url = '/docs/oauth2-redirect'

String default relative URL where the Swagger UI OAuth Redirect URL shall be accessed in the application.

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

redoc_js_url class-attribute instance-attribute

redoc_js_url = ''

String default URL where the ReDoc Javascript is located and used within OpenAPI documentation,

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

redoc_favicon_url class-attribute instance-attribute

redoc_favicon_url = ''

String default URL where the ReDoc favicon is located and used within OpenAPI documentation,

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

swagger_ui_init_oauth class-attribute instance-attribute

swagger_ui_init_oauth = None

String default relative URL where the Swagger Init Auth documentation shall be accessed in the application.

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

swagger_ui_parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

swagger_ui_parameters = None

A mapping with parameters to be passed onto Swagger.

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

swagger_js_url class-attribute instance-attribute

swagger_js_url = ''

String default URL where the Swagger Javascript is located and used within OpenAPI documentation,

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

swagger_css_url class-attribute instance-attribute

swagger_css_url = ''

String default URL where the Swagger CSS is located and used within OpenAPI documentation,

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

swagger_favicon_url class-attribute instance-attribute

swagger_favicon_url = ''

String default URL where the Swagger favicon is located and used within OpenAPI documentation,

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

with_google_fonts class-attribute instance-attribute

with_google_fonts = True

Boolean flag indicating if the google fonts shall be used in the ReDoc OpenAPI Documentation.

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

stoplight_js_url class-attribute instance-attribute

stoplight_js_url = ''

String default URL where the Stoplight Javascript is located and used within OpenAPI documentation,

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

stoplight_css_url class-attribute instance-attribute

stoplight_css_url = ''

String default URL where the Stoplight CSS is located and used within OpenAPI documentation,

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

stoplight_url class-attribute instance-attribute

stoplight_url = '/docs/elements'

String default relative URL where the Stoplight documentation shall be accessed in the application.

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

stoplight_favicon_url class-attribute instance-attribute

stoplight_favicon_url = ''

String default URL where the Stoplight favicon is located and used within OpenAPI documentation,

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

rapidoc_url class-attribute instance-attribute

rapidoc_url = '/docs/rapidoc'

String default relative URL where the Rapidoc documentation shall be accessed in the application.

Example: /docs/rapidoc.

rapidoc_js_url class-attribute instance-attribute

rapidoc_js_url = ''

String default URL where the RapiDoc Javascript is located and used within OpenAPI documentation,

This is used as the default if no OpenAPIConfig is provided.

rapidoc_favicon_url class-attribute instance-attribute

rapidoc_favicon_url = ''

String default URL where the RapiDoc favicon is located and used within OpenAPI documentation,


ignore_reload class-attribute instance-attribute

ignore_reload = False

Ignore the reload settings.

reload property


Boolean flag indicating if the server should have hot reload or not.

password_hashers property


List of available password hashers of Esmerald. These password hashers are used withing the esmerald.contrib.* and aims to simplify the process of creating and validating password.

Read more about the password hashers.


List of strings with the module and object location of the password hashers.



from esmerald import EsmeraldAPISettings
from esmerald.contrib.auth.hashers import PBKDF2PasswordHasher

class CustomHasher(PBKDF2PasswordHasher):
    All the hashers inherit from BasePasswordHasher
    salt_entropy = 3000


class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):

    def password_hashers(self) -> List[str]:
        return ["myapp.hashers.CustomHasher"]

routes property


A global list of esmerald routes. Those routes may vary and those can be Gateway, WebSocketGateWay or even Include.

This is also the entry-point for the routes of the application itself but it does not rely on only one level.

Read more about how to use and leverage the Esmerald routing system.

List[Union[APIGateHandler, Include]]

List of routes




from esmerald import Esmerald, Gateway, Request, get, Include, EsmeraldAPISettings

async def homepage(request: Request) -> str:
    return "Hello, home!"

async def another(request: Request) -> str:
    return "Hello, another!"

class APPSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):

    def routes(self) -> List[Union[APIGateHandler, "Include"]]:
        return [

csrf_config property


An instance of CRSFConfig.

This configuration is passed to the CSRFMiddleware and enables the middleware.


You can creatye your own CRSFMiddleware version and pass your own configurations. You don't need to use the built-in version although it is recommended to do it so.





from esmerald import EsmeraldAPISettings

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):
    secret: str = "n(0t=%_amauq1m&6sde4z#3mkdmfcad1942ny&#sjp1oygk-5_"

    def csrf_config(self) -> CSRFConfig:
        if not self.secret_key:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured("`secret` setting not configured.")
        return CSRFConfig(secret=self.secret_key)

template_config property


An instance of TemplateConfig. This configuration is a simple set of configurations that when passed enables the template engine.


You might need to install the template engine before using this. You can always run pip install esmerald[templates] to help you out.




from esmerald import EsmeraldAPISettings

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):
    def template_config(self) -> TemplateConfig:

static_files_config property


An instance of StaticFilesConfig.

This configuration is used to enable and serve static files via Esmerald application.




from esmerald import EsmeraldAPISettings

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):
    def static_files_config(self) -> StaticFilesConfig:
        StaticFilesConfig(path='/', directories=...)

cors_config property


An instance of CORSConfig.

This configuration is passed to the CORSMiddleware and enables the middleware.




from esmerald import EsmeraldAPISettings

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):
    allow_origins: List[str] = ['', '']

    def cors_config(self) -> CORSConfig:

session_config property


An instance of SessionConfig.

This configuration is passed to the SessionMiddleware and enables the middleware.




from esmerald import EsmeraldAPISettings

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):

    def session_config(self) -> SessionConfig:

openapi_config property


An instance of OpenAPIConfig.

This object is then used by Esmerald to create the OpenAPI documentation.

Note: Here is where the defaults for Esmerald OpenAPI are overriden and if this object is passed, then the previous defaults of the settings are ignored.


This is the way you could override the defaults all in one go instead of doing attribute by attribute.




from esmerald import EsmeraldAPISettings

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):

    def openapi_config(self) -> OpenAPIConfig:

middleware property


A global sequence of Lilya middlewares or esmerald.middlewares that are used by the application.

Read more about the Middleware.




from esmerald import EsmeraldAPISettings
from esmerald.middleware import HTTPSRedirectMiddleware, TrustedHostMiddleware
from lilya.middleware import Middleware as StarletteMiddleware

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):

    def middleware(self) -> List[Middleware]:
        return [
                TrustedHostMiddleware, allowed_hosts=["", "*"]

scheduler_config property


Esmerald comes with an internal scheduler connfiguration that can be used to schedule tasks with any scheduler at your choice.

Esmerald also integrates out of the box with Asyncz and the scheduler class is nothing more than the AsyncIOScheduler provided by the library.


You can create your own scheduler class and use it with Esmerald. For that you must read the Asyncz documentation and how to make it happen.

Note - To enable the scheduler, you must set the enable_scheduler=True.

interceptors property


A list of global interceptors from objects inheriting from esmerald.interceptors.interceptor.EsmeraldInterceptor.

Read more about how to implement the Interceptors in Esmerald and to leverage them.

Note almost everything in Esmerald can be done in levels, which means these interceptors on a Esmerald instance, means the whole application.


List of interceptors




from loguru import logger
from lilya.types import Receive, Scope, Send

from esmerald import Esmerald, EsmeraldInterceptor, EsmeraldAPISettings

class LoggingInterceptor(EsmeraldInterceptor):
    async def intercept(self, scope: "Scope", receive: "Receive", send: "Send") -> None:
        # Log a message here"This is my interceptor being called before reaching the handler.")

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):
    def interceptors(self) -> List[Interceptor]:
        return [LoggingInterceptor]

permissions property


A list of global permissions from objects inheriting from esmerald.permissions.BasePermission.

Read more about how to implement the Permissions in Esmerald and to leverage them.

Note almost everything in Esmerald can be done in levels, which means these permissions on a Esmerald instance, means the whole application.




List of global permissions (not permissions on levels).


from esmerald import Esmerald, EsmeraldAPISettings, BasePermission, Request
from esmerald.types import APIGateHandler

class IsAdmin(BasePermission):
    Permissions for admin
    async def has_permission(self, request: "Request", apiview: "APIGateHandler"):
        is_admin = request.headers.get("admin", False)
        return bool(is_admin)

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):
    def permissions(self) -> List[Permission]:
        return [IsAdmin]

dependencies property


A dictionary of global dependencies. These dependencies will be applied to each path of the application.

Read more about Dependencies.


A dictionary of global dependencies.




from esmerald import Esmerald, EsmeraldAPISettings, Inject

def is_valid(number: int) -> bool:
    return number >= 5

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):
    def dependencies(self) -> Dependencies:
        return {
            "is_valid": Inject(is_valid)

exception_handlers property


A global dictionary with handlers for exceptions.

Note almost everything in Esmerald can be done in levels, which means these exception handlers on a Esmerald instance, means the whole application.

Read more about the Exception handlers.


Mapping of exception handlers where the key is the exception object and the value


is the callable.


from pydantic.error_wrappers import ValidationError
from esmerald import (

async def validation_error_exception_handler(
    request: Request, exc: ValidationError
) -> JSONResponse:
    extra = getattr(exc, "extra", None)
    if extra:
        return JSONResponse(
            {"detail": exc.detail, "errors": exc.extra.get("extra", {})},
        return JSONResponse(
            {"detail": exc.detail},

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):

    def exception_handlers(self) -> ExceptionHandlerMap:
        return {
            ValidationErrorException: validation_error_exception_handler,

on_startup property


A list of events that are trigger upon the application starts.

Read more about the events.

Union[List[LifeSpanHandler], None]

List of events




from pydantic import BaseModel
from saffier import Database, Registry

from esmerald import Esmerald, EsmeraldAPISettings, Gateway, post

database = Database("postgresql+asyncpg://user:password@host:port/database")
registry = Registry(database=database)

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):

    def on_startup(self) -> Union[List[LifeSpanHandler], None]:
        return [

on_shutdown property


A list of events that are trigger upon the application shuts down.

Read more about the events.

Union[List[LifeSpanHandler], None]

List of events




from pydantic import BaseModel
from saffier import Database, Registry

from esmerald import Esmerald, EsmeraldAPISettings, Gateway, post

database = Database("postgresql+asyncpg://user:password@host:port/database")
registry = Registry(database=database)

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):

    def on_shutdown(self) -> Union[List[LifeSpanHandler], None]:
        return [

lifespan property


A lifespan context manager handler. This is an alternative to on_startup and on_shutdown and you cannot used all combined.

Read more about the lifespan.

extensions property


A list of global extensions from objects inheriting from esmerald.interceptors.interceptor.EsmeraldInterceptor.

Read more about how to implement the Plugables in Esmerald and to leverage them.

dict[str, Union[Extension, Pluggable, type[Extension]]]

Mapping of extensions




from typing import Optional

from loguru import logger
from pydantic import BaseModel

from esmerald import Esmerald, EsmeraldAPISettings, Extension, Pluggable
from esmerald.types import DictAny

class PluggableConfig(BaseModel):
    name: str

class MyExtension(Extension):
    def extend(self, config: PluggableConfig = None) -> None:
        logger.success(f"Successfully passed a config {}")

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):

    def extensions(self) -> dict[str, Union["Extension", "Pluggable", type["Extension"]]]:
        my_config = PluggableConfig(name="my extension")

        return {
            "my-extension": Pluggable(MyExtension, config=my_config),
            "my-extension": MyExtension,

pluggables property



encoders property


A list of encoders to be used by the application once it starts.

Union[List[Encoder], None]

List of encoders


from typing import Any

from attrs import asdict, define, field, has
from esmerald.encoders import Encoder

class AttrsEncoder(Encoder):

    def is_type(self, value: Any) -> bool:
        return has(value)

    def serialize(self, obj: Any) -> Any:
        return asdict(obj)

    def encode(self, annotation: Any, value: Any) -> Any:
        return annotation(**value)

class AppSettings(EsmeraldAPISettings):

    def encoders(self) -> Union[List[Encoder], None]:
        return [AttrsEncoder]


Source code in esmerald/conf/
def __hash__(self) -> int:
    values: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
        values[key] = None
        if isinstance(value, (list, set)):
            values[key] = tuple(value)
            values[key] = value
    return hash((type(self),) + tuple(values))